Whether you want to get back in the game or never let it go
Don't Go Soft, Play Hardball
I hereby agree and consent to the following parameters as conditions of participation in the Men’s Senior/ Men’s Adult Baseball Leagues, Inc:
I will observe all rules as established by the Men’s Senior/Adult Baseball League, Inc. or the IBL.
I understand that fighting, physical abuse of players, umpires, or spectators, and the use of abusive or offensive language will not be tolerated by the MSBL/MABL and violation of this rule could result in my banishment or suspension from the tournament and forfeiture of all fees paid.
I realize that Men’s Senior Baseball League, Inc. and facilities do NOT possess a defibrillator.
I realize that there is no guaranteed playing time on any given team, associated with regular season and tournament play.
I certify that I am, or will turn 18 years of age this calendar year
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